Q. How Does Google Work

A. Google works by a simple search engine when you search something on a search engine it will display what you searched by the best possible answer. The way Google can tell this is the best possible answer is because people that have searched the same query before, or similar query before have clicked on that link several times which is where SEO comes in (Search Engine Optimisation) when a link is being regularly updated, and viewed Google pushed up that link to the first link you see on the page, it is similar to how YouTube pushes their content out to people all by SEO. But Of Course Googles Main Thing is the speed in which the sites are presented to them, that is why Google has became the Greatest and most used Search engines of all time.

Q. How Did The Internet Start Off

A. The Internet evolved from the original ARPANET. The ARPANET was the first packet switching network, and the idea behind the Internet was that there would be many different independent networks with a somewhat arbitrary design. However, soon packet satellite networks, ground-based packet radio networks, and other networks would also be included. Open architecture networking is a fundamental technical principle that the Internet as we know it today incorporates. According to this method, a provider might freely choose any individual network technology and make it interoperate with the other networks using a meta-level "Internetworking Architecture," as opposed to being constrained by a specific network architecture. There was just one broad approach to federating networks up until that point. The conventional circuit was this one.

Q. Who Are The People Who Made This Website

A. It Is One Person, Yahya C. Who Made This Website, And I Made This Website Mainly To Inform People About What It Is They Are Using on A Daily Basis, my goal is to get everyone using the internet, and to get them to understand a little bit more about what and where the thing they regularlt use comes from and this is a project but together by me and my class. in order to show everyone what the internet is.

Q. How Are Websites Made

A. Websites Are Made By HTML, CSS, Javascript, HTML is the information shown on the page, for example all the writing that you would be seeing on this page would be HTML the Navigation bar would be html, in essence html is just the information presented on a website, Then theres CSS. CSS is the whay that the website is made to look, for example on this page you see colors, and the navigation bar is horizontal that is all CSS, On The Login Page and the Main page you will see images, and more colors that would all be examples of CSS, and finally Javascript this is the coding that makes the website function, it does things and adds that final touch that CSS nor HTML can. if you were to right click on this page right now you will see something saying view page source if you were to click on that now you would see all the code that is involved in this very website.

Q. Is There An Easier Way To Make Websites These Days Rather Than Having To Do It All From Scratch

A. Yes There Is A Much Easier But, More Expensive Way To Do It. There are websites like Wix.com that can help with building a website completely code free, it even includes things such as a store section, premade and addable pages, and a preworking contact section, although publishing and using some of the features would be expensive.